Saturday, January 9, 2010

Ice Leaf

trembling ice leaf
colors of winters passing
hope quivers in sun


Tumblewords: said...

Nice, Melanie! I like the ice leaf as a carrier of hope and winter color!

Artist Victoria O'Neill said...

hmmmm.....winter and warmth....and hope....nicely assemblage.

Quiet Paths said...

I really like this; I can see it! You've caught winter; it persists on our hope.

Stan Ski said...

Beautiful image.

Wendy Naisa said...

Shiver, shiver...
I love that word

Jim said...

Very nice haiku, Melanie. Yes, old Sol has not let us down since I've been around. :-)
On the senyru, this sums it up. "Senyru are like haiku, except they reveal an aspect of human nature juxtaposed with an image of nature. In contrast, haiku are short Japanese poems that invite us into a shared experience of nature." [ - How to Write Senyru ]
Just a lot of people call both 'haiku' and don't worry about things.

Aulice Payne said...

Oh quivering ice - so great, thanks for this lovely image.

Lisa at Greenbow said...

I can see the leaf striving to break away on its own. Trying so hard.

lissa said...

I see winter melting away...nice take

Nancy Bea Miller said...

Very poetic! Wea re all warming to hope as the sun strengthens, aren't we?