Friday, October 14, 2011

Ghostly Laundry

the laughing laundry
as bed sheet ghosts run and twirl
dad sips his cold beer
children run around an round
ghosts chasing flowers edges


gma said...

This is cute. Very appropriate!

somepinkflowers said...


from my youthful past--->

"""the laughing laundry"""

how good of you to catch
and share...

Anonymous said...

You tell a great story with few words, of warm autumn nights. It takes me back.

Raine said...

I like that "the laughing laundry" line and still kept the poem its shivers. Thanks for visiting. :D

Enchanted Oak said...

What you did with the form here was a great pleasure to read. Vivid and evocative. And seasonal too! I went somewhere entirely different, and didn't even think of the seasonal aspect. Thank you for Jamming.

Nanka said...

Oh I love that laughing laundry!! This is so very enjoyable Melanie!!

Rosie said...

Yes, laughing laundry is a great phrase!! My Mum used to dress up and use a torch to "spookify" her face!!!! Thanks for bringing back memories... =)

kaykuala said...

Ghostly and laughing laundry. Good make believe, Melanie!


The Noiseless Cuckooclock said...


well played.

chiccoreal said...

Dear Cassiopeia Rises: Indeed great personification in the "laughing laundry" and snapshot perfect memories!

Brian Miller said... spun a nice seasonal story...that was fun. smiles.

Helen said...

Oh Yes! My favorite Halloween memory is of my father throwing a sheet over himself ... waiting for us to walk home from trick or treating ... jumping out from behind bushes - in the dark! We were thoroughly terrified, then laughed the rest of the evening at his prank. At least I don't think I suffered any lasting trauma.

Scarlet said...

ha...ha.. at long as it is the laughing laundry...happy sunday ~

Cassiopeia Rises said...

Thanks gemma. It was a hard bunch of words. Glad you liked it.


Cassiopeia Rises said...

Ah, thanks SPF for reading my work. Glad you liked it.


Pete Goulding said...

Yes, the laughing laundry is a deliciously evocative phrase

Lolamouse said...

I love the image of "laughing laundry!" Wonderful!