Thursday, October 13, 2011

Nights Love ( a repost)

rising from her bed
she washes nights love away
dripping on the floor

This is a poor copy of a poet well known among us. His poetry is outstanding. I love to read his work.


Aphrodite said...

Am I right to sense regret? Touching haiku!

Anonymous said...

The last line left me with the sense of regret as well. Nicely done.


Mary said...

Though I don't know the other poet, I certainly can appreciate your haiku. Beautifully sensual words.

Victoria said...

So glad you reposted this sensitive haiku since I missed it the fist time around. Lovely.

Brian Miller said...

hope she keeps just a bit for herself...i do sense some regret in this as well...and today is a new day...

Anonymous said...

I was in a different place, until I read these other comments...... then it struck me. Agreed..... quite touching....

Claudia said...

the night love dripping on the floor makes a haunting losing so much in a short movement...enjoyed your haiku...much said in few words

Suzy Q said...

Sadness wells beneath these fragile lines.

Medhini said...

Lovely words...

tinkwelborn said...

powerful Haiku!
wonderful Job here!
3 Wows for you..cause, methinks this the best poem I've read tonight.
thank you.

The Noiseless Cuckooclock said...

moving Haiku,
have a lovely day today.

Cassiopeia Rises said...

Thank you Aida. Glad you liked it and yes it is a bit sad.


Cassiopeia Rises said...

Thanks Beth for your kind comments.


Cassiopeia Rises said...

Much thanks Mary. Glad you liked it. As I said it is a poor ghost to his poetry.


Cassiopeia Rises said...

Thanks Victoria. Glad you came back to read it.


Cassiopeia Rises said...

Life is often strange Brian and love knows no end.


Cassiopeia Rises said...

Thank you JAR. Glad you liked it.


Cassiopeia Rises said...

Thanks Claudia. She did lose much in just one movement. So glad you liked it.


Cassiopeia Rises said...

SuzyQ, much thanks for stopping by and reading my work. I do sadness very well.


Cassiopeia Rises said...

Thanks Midhini for your comments.


Cassiopeia Rises said...

tinkwelborn, thank you very much for your kind comment. Happy you enjoyed it.


Cassiopeia Rises said...

Thanks The Noiseless Cuckooclock for reading my Haiku.


Anonymous said...

there is a quietness to this, it almost whispers.. a wonderful haiku ~